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Financial Planning:
Thoughts and Commentary
Sep 7, 20224 min read
You Can't 'Win' with a Diversified Portfolio, but Trying to 'Win' is not the Point
Everyone wants to have the highest investment returns with the lowest amount of risk. But the average investor knows that this isn’t...
Sep 7, 20224 min read
In life, one needs to find the happy balance between being frugal and enriching your life.
From time to time I dedicate a little of my professional focus on my own financial plan, and make sure I am practicing the behavior I...
Sep 7, 20223 min read
Three financial futures that may or may not happen. Part 3: Just what the doctor ordered.
In the final part of a three-part series, about what planners do and do not know, we explore the most important variable in financial...
Sep 7, 20224 min read
Three financial futures that may or may not happen. Part 2: Our children are the future
For this month’s ‘For your consideration’ I submit the second of three parts in a series of ‘what-If’ scenarios. Factors of financial...
Sep 7, 20223 min read
Three financial futures that may or may not happen. Part I: Knowledge and market volatility
Nothing is better than the changing of the seasons! In fall leaves change colors, decorating the landscape. In spring flowers come...
Sep 7, 20224 min read
Don't treat your goals like a trophy case
Every so often there is a news story that crosses the borders of various genres. Usually entertainment news stays within the universe of...
Sep 7, 20223 min read
Too Much Information Can Really Test Your Patience
Approximately twice a year, the stock market delivers three to four weeks of consistent negative returns. It is not an unusual event,...
Sep 7, 20225 min read
Investing Success or Investing Failure - It's All on You!
In this week’s ‘For your Consideration’ I submit another ‘top ten’ list. I enjoy lists! Shopping lists, tasks lists, agendas - They...
Sep 7, 20224 min read
Change is Good, but Humans Never Seem to Think So
Whenever you are standing on one of life's ledges, it always seems difficult to get yourself to make the leap. Skydivers lament that...
Sep 7, 20224 min read
Seven Investment Tips, Which Provide no Real Reason to Invest
Over the last ten to twenty years, the financial environment, with the help of widely available technology, has slowly changed the the...
Sep 7, 20224 min read
Top Ten Most Important Financial Decisions You'll Make in Your Life
Decisions Decisions....Life is full of them. Some decision are more important than others, while some are certainly more fun to make. ...
Sep 7, 20224 min read
A Year in the Life of a Financial Plan
Well, I guess summer is over. Albeit, not according to the seasonal calendar, but rather the calendar in my head as a parent. School...
Sep 7, 20223 min read
Advances in Technology May One Day Make Humans Impervious to Financial Mistakes
For this month's 'For Your Consideration' submission, I'm going to open up to all of you reading this article. Since clients and...
Sep 7, 20223 min read
Financial Planning is an Action Verb
I have a hypothetical offer for you. What if I told you that I could guarantee that you will achieve all of your financial goals with no...
Sep 7, 20222 min read
A Strategy with a Better Image Than Playing the Lottery but Only Slightly Better Odds
Having 'a system' at a casino is about as useful as having a rake during a tornado. There are periods where you feel like you are making...
Sep 7, 20222 min read
Taking a Risk....It's Unavoidable.
This month’s ‘for your consideration’ will be a quick lesson about the ‘whys’ of asset volatility. What makes the value of an asset go...
Sep 7, 20222 min read
Ignore the White Noise and Focus on You
What’s with all the hyper active reporting on the financial networks? What’s everyone shouting about? And why does it seem that it’s...
Sep 7, 20222 min read
The Most Important Variable of Financial Planning is the Date of Death
The most common question I get asked when I tell people I’m a financial planner is, “what stock do you think is the next one to go big?’....
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